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Bespoke by Dr Bejma



Vivacy Masterclasses

Our highly sought-after Masterclasses are held in collaboration with Vivacy, the award-winning French manufacturer of Hyaluronic Acid. Dr Bejma serves as Vivacy’s National Trainer and brand ambassador.

Dr Bejma’s most requested trainings include the Lips Masterclass, Profiloplasty, and Mid-Face with the signature Tear Trough approach. To inquire about upcoming Masterclasses, please contact Tracy Mcknight on 07839 876762.

Please note that there is no fee for Vivacy training, but you must meet Vivacy’s eligibility requirements. For full terms and conditions on Vivacy Masterclasses, please contact Tracey.

Ameela Polynucleotides Training

Ameela Polynucleotides is a powerful and effective injectable treatment that restores skin firmness, tone, and elasticity while effectively acting as a “scavenger” capable of blocking free radicals, which are responsible for causing premature ageing of the skin.

Dr Bejma is the official Amedica trainer for Polynucleotides and has been conducting innovative training sessions for nearly 2 years. At Ameela Training, you will learn all the basics, including indications and how to use Ameela, as well as Dr Bejma’s signature approach to the tear trough and full facelift (BAP technique as well as cannula approach).

Training takes place at our clinic, typically from 10am-3pm, with a maximum of 5 available spots. The product for training will be provided, but models must be arranged by trainees. The price for training is £850. For inquiries, please email or call 07928161255.

Polynucleotides Online Training

I’m Dr. Magdalena Bejma, a Cosmetic Doctor, trusted Trainer, General Practitioner, and a specialist in Feminine Wellness.

With extensive experience in these domains, I’m thrilled to extend my expertise to you.

For nearly three years, I’ve incorporated polynucleotides into my practice. Over the last 18 months, I’ve proudly served as the official trainer, sharing insights and techniques in this revolutionary field.
The culmination of my work has resulted in the development of the Signature Tear Trough technique, refined over two years of dedicated collaboration with polynucleotides.

Polynucleotides have truly transformed the landscape of aesthetic medicine, proving indispensable for periorbital treatments, facial enhancements, and overall body rejuvenation. Understanding their multifaceted benefits, from hydration and collagen stimulation to improved circulation and protection against free radicals, is paramount for any injector.

Polynucleotides Revolution with Dr Bejma – 22 lessons including 19 videos.

You will learn my signature approach to treat tear trough and periorbital area.
Videos will cover everything from scalp, face to abdomen and knees.

Understanding polynucleotides and their multifaceted benefits, from hydration and collagen stimulation to improved circulation and protection against free radicals, is crucial for any injector.

Buy Now For £499

In my online training, I will equip you with essential knowledge on harnessing the potential of Polynucleotides in your practice.

Covering my signature periorbital treatment and a comprehensive approach for the face, hair, and body, my goal is to equip you for success in the evolving field of aesthetic medicine.

Shadowing Day

Join Dr Bejma at her busy clinic for a full clinic day. You will be able to observe consultations, a variety of injectable treatments, and learn about managing a busy aesthetic clinic. Please note that this is a shadowing option only, and you will not be injecting. Dr Bejma will discuss her treatment plan and talk you through injection points and choice of product.

The price for the shadowing day is £1200.

For inquiries, please email or call 07928161255.


1:1 Training Fully Tailored to Your Learning Needs

Our most requested training is fully tailored to your learning needs and covers the area of your interest, whether it’s all injectables, women’s wellness, or any laser treatment. The plan for your bespoke training will be established after close communication
between you and Dr Bejma.

Models will be arranged for you to inject, and Dr Bejma will demonstrate her signature techniques while closely supervising all treatments provided by the trainee.

The price for 1:1 training is £2500.

For inquiries, please email or call 07928161255.

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Bespoke by Dr Bejma
The Avenue Clinic
24 The Avenue,
Leeds LS17 7BE

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